Music Health Empowers You To Be The Superhero Of Your Own Brain Health

Our Mission

To empower every human to be the superhero of their own brain health.

We are ambitious, bold and determined to impact the lives of the billions that can benefit from our tools. We’re first transforming dementia care!

What We Do

With our Precision Music® AI, we deliver digital music therapy and music-based interventions to anyone with an internet connection and a mobile device. Our goal is to make music interventions and therapies accessible, affordable, and easy to use for everyone who can benefit

How We Work

At our core, we are pioneers, relentlessly pursuing innovations that can transform the world. We embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow quickly. Our proactive and dynamic approach allows us to adapt swiftly in a fast-paced environment

Our Awards

Music Health Inc. All rights reserved copyright 2024

Music Health Inc. All rights reserved copyright 2024